Thursday, May 24, 2012

"...Here am I. Send me!"

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”  Isaiah 6:8

This morning I read a friend's blog and was inspired to pick mine back up.  And I thank God for sending me that friend last fall at a conference.  She is such a God-centered woman and who couldn't use another friend like that?  :)

In the last year especially, I have really focused on listening to God's guidance in my life.  And for those times when I truly hear Him, the blessings become a flood.  The times when I don't, well, life gets a bit crazy. 

One Saturday 3 months or so ago I went to a women's luncheon with some old friends and God told me it's time for a mission trip.  I've always wanted to go on one, but have never given it serious thought.  The next day I spoke with my dear friend at church and within the week, a mission trip was in the works for May.  We leave in 2 days!  During the prep for this trip, God has shown the 15 of us going amazing things about Him and ourselves.  I can't imagine what the actual trip will do for us. 

We are going to a college that ministers to students from the bush of Alaska.  However, they will not be at the college when we are.  I kept trying to think of something we could leave on their pillows when they return in the fall to let them know they are the reason for our trip and that we care about them.  Bookmarks with verses came to mind, and maybe....maybe we can get those done this summer after the trip and send them back up.  Because I didn't possibly have time to do it after all the fundraisers and activities going on for the local kids. 

This Monday God said to get the kids from church involved and get it done this week.  So, we got the bookmarks made and took them to church last night.  Then we had the 1st - 6th graders put a message or picture on the back to make them personal.  The kids loved getting to be part of our trip and their messages were so sweet.  The idea of helping the students put wonderfully huge smiles on their faces.

Did this idea come from me?  No, it was all God.  I'm so thankful He was loud and clear about it.  I had to put other things aside, but once again, the blessings poured down.

Lord, I thank you for your guidance, your blessings, and your love.  We fall so short in so many ways and yet you choose to use us anyway.  What a perfect plan so we do not get the glory or your works.  Please help me to continue to truly listen and seek you every single day.  And help us make an impact for you on this mission trip.  You are amazing!  Amen.