Monday, May 16, 2011

What is God's destination for you? 

The message last night cut to the heart of life.  You are on a road, is it the right one?  Will God change your direction? 

4 years ago, my husband and I were trying to figure out if we were supposed to remain in our state or move somewhere else.  I was searching for a job change and told God I was willing to go anywhere, absolutely anywhere but where I was.  Hmmmm....putting limits on God because of what I wanted.  Before long, I realized I had to learn to be content in my job and wait on God.  Then a new job came up when I was content so I could make a rational decision and not just jump at it.  God was preparing me for the next adventures in life - bringing a child into our home and moving even further into the country to a small town. 

This small town has been an amazing blessing in less than 2 months.  When others could not understand our move, I knew the Holy Spirit was telling me to go.  I didn't entirely know why, but knew we needed to go and it would be just what we needed.  And God is blessing that over and over.

Pray and ask God about your destination.  Much more than your job or your hobbies, what is the destination of your heart?

Thank you, Lord, for your purpose for each person's life.  Please reveal a piece of it to those I love today.  Amen.

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