Friday, August 17, 2012

Modern day miracles

Have you ever prayed over a long period of time for family members?  Hoping they will find or rekindle their joy in the Lord? 

God works in such mysterious ways.

A few years ago, a man was with his two teenage sons and homeless.  He called his parents and they drove several states to come get them.  The man was sick and had been to the hospital several times and was unable to work due to abdominal pain.  With no insurance and mounting medical bills, it was difficult to get any help.

As time went on, he got more and more sick, with 150+ trips to emergency rooms.  With no insurance, he never could get a steady doctor to determine what all was going on and what to do to get him well.  He'd try to work when he was feeling better, but it never lasted long.  The pain was too great.  And attempts at working, cut off Medicaid.

Finally, he filed for disability. Records were put together and they headed off to court.  The attorney was friends with the judge, but at the last minute, the judge was switched.  Going back into her chambers, they didn't know what to expect.  The mother was waiting in the court room hoping for enough aid to get him back on his feet and with a steady doctor so he could get well and work. 

After 20 minutes or so, they came out and the hearing had been cancelled.  The judge said they didn't have all the right medical records but she knew they were earnest in getting real help.  She set the new hearing for 60 days, told him to get all the records....and she court-ordered a gastroenterologist to do a full workup so they knew exactly what they were dealing with.  Amazing! 

The mother, who had been asking for prayer, said the judge was no doubt an answer to prayer.  If the judge hadn't been switched, the attorney said they would have lost. 

This man and his mother are relatives of mine whom I've been praying for for a long time.  He has had a hard road and not always made the best decisions which in turn has made it difficult on his mother.  But God is in control and letting them both know he loves them.

Thank you, Lord, for letting us know you are in control in every situation.  And thank you for your mysterious ways in giving hope and strengthening faith.  Amen.

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