Thursday, August 2, 2012

His way

Have you ever been going along and God does something totally unexpected?  I pray you have.

I was on my way to church last night and I was debating staying - my stomach was not feeling too good.  But I ended up staying and was so glad I did.  We had one of the missionaries fill in for our pastor and he spoke on abundant life/fulfillment.  Just a few weeks before I had told some family members about the abundant life God was showing me.  But the last day didn't feel so abundant.  My husband was mad at me and I just didn't feel the urge to run and apologize.  I knew it was wrong, but wanted to truly be sorry before I apologized. 

My daughter and I headed home and on the way, I saw the same dog on the side of the road I'd seen on the way there.  I was hoping he was sleeping, but I knew he wasn't.  From the house and car where he lived, I figured the owner(s) was older.  A car came up behind me so I kept going.  But something was tugging at me.  The dog was across the road and down a little ways from the house.  There was a large possibility the owners wouldn't see him and would wonder where he was.  I recently wondered for a couple of weeks before deciding a coyote or fox got my young cat.  I didn't want someone else to go through the same wait and see.

So I turned around and pulled into the driveway.  My daughter stayed in the car while I went to the side door.  The front porch had a latch to get to the front door and I didn't want to intrude anymore than I already felt I was.  Gladys came to the front door and I went around.  She smiled, happy to see someone come by.  Then I apologized for the reason I stopped and told her.  Immediately tears welled up and she said that was her husband's dog.  I offered to bring the dog back over to the house and at first she refused, afraid she was inconveniencing me.  But I convinced her to get a trash bag and she also brought out gloves. 

I went and retrieved Snowball, placing him in the side yard.  She then asked me to come wash my hands inside.  As I did, I commented on the southern gospel group she was watching on the t.v.  This lady knew the Lord.  I came out of the bathroom and we started talking.  She was still teary and explained her husband was no longer living, she was a home health nurse and her recent patient had passed, and her niece just had both legs amputated.  She was depressed.  I hugged her and we both agreed God sent me there - to brighten her day with a visit, and to show me I do have time to get to know more people and spend time with them.

As we discussed her husband, I told her about mine.  She told me to live each day to the fullest.  Her husband died 5 weeks after his cancer diagnosis.  God was nudging me to go home and apologize.  As I left, I told Gladys I would bring my daughter back in the next week when we had more time and visit with her.  She was thrilled.

At home, I went in and apologized and my husband's demeanor completely changed.  Then I told him about Gladys.  As I did, I remembered the preacher mentioning the 28-29 widows that live right around the church this past Sunday morning.  And I remembered telling a friend that afternoon I was going to church and maybe God will make me feel guilty enough to apologize. 

I guess God decided we would start ministering now.  And he would put a desire in my heart to apologize.  All in His way.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.    ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Lord, thank you for getting my attention to do what I needed to do.  Thank you for bringing Gladys into my life.  And thank you for doing things your way and not mine.  Amen.

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