Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yngsdal family

Below is part of the newsletter from theYngsdal missionary family serving in Africa.  I have been following them since I taught GAs 5 years ago.  They are doing tremendous work there and are always battling Satan.  They are always an inspiration to me.

"Brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy.  For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything." 
James 1:2-4

It hasn't been so long since we last wrote to you all, but we treasure your prayers feel the need to call on you to especially lift up in prayer our long-time friend and partner in the Gospel, Enock Shongwe and his wife, Gertie.  They are the pastor and wife of our church that was burned by fire last month.  Just a month later, this past Friday, their "wood and tin" home burned to the ground and they lost all that they owned.  It was a very hot day so they were sitting outside in just shorts and an old t-shirt (no shoes).  The teenage orphan that lives with them was cooking in the house when the hose from the gas bottle to the stove came off, ignited, and shot fire all over the house.  We praise the Lord that no one was seriously hurt.  The municipality has given them 2 tents to use for the time being and fellow Christian brothers and sisters have donated what they can to help them.  They lost all their documents, computer, keyboard, sound system, bookshelf full of Christian books, appliances, beds, clothes - everything!  They know that God has allowed this for his reasons and in the midst of the worst situation, they are still rejoicing. 
As we sat outside under cloudy skies on Sunday morning, worshipping the Lord in Isilovo, I couldn't help but think that there were 10 people sitting there, rejoicing and singing praises to God, whom Satan thought that he would silence.  Satan has been busy at work, trying his best to distract and discourage us and those we work with.  Our family, this past weekend, also suffered loss as $875 was stolen from us.  One of the other believers in our church was not paid at all by his employer before Christmas.  The message that we heard Sunday morning, as we worshipped, just happened to be on the first chapter of James - very fitting as it speaks to our attitude when trouble comes our way. 
Please pray for Enock and Gertie as they are trying to get new ID documents, marriage certificate, and bank cards.  Gertie is the mom at the orphanage next door to their property and Enock is getting retirement from the government.  The local councillor is trying to get a new small house built for them through the government's housing program for the poor.

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