Monday, February 7, 2011

Change of pace

Do you have a regular chore or task you put off and really don't like doing?  Mine is the grocery.  It seems to take so much time out of my life and is such a nuisance. 

I was supposed to go Friday night, then Saturday.  Saturday I chose to spend the day at a flea mall and different book stores with my husband and daughter.  It was a priceless day.  Sunday after church, I was absolutely beat and figured I'd do it before evening church.  Nope, we had other things to talk over with our daughter and it was time well spent.  So I decided to go this morning, before 7am, once daughter got on the school bus.  I figured there's noone there, it's the perfect time.  It won't take as long and bad weather was supposed to be here in the afternoon. 

I stocked up with 3 weeks worth of food (so I could wait as long as possible before going back).  It was tough bagging in my cloth bags without my daughter there, but it was a good workout.  I then go to another store to get dog food.  On the way to my third and final stop, I look in my mirror.  Low and behold I had dried toothpaste along the bottom of my lip! 

On most Mondays that probably would have really bothered me, but this morning I got the biggest laugh out of it.  I wasn't hurrying, I was relaxed and trying to start my week off right and getting the grocery out of the way.  And God rewarded me with a sense of accomplishment and a hearty laugh.  It put me in a wonderful frame of mind to start my work day/week.

Thank you, Lord, for your blessing of humor.  Life would be so rough without it!

Next time a regular chore starts to drain me, I'll change when or how I do it to give myself a change of pace.  God doesn't want us or our lives lukewarm.  I believe He wants a change of pace for all of us on a regular basis to keep our spirits up and give us a new perspective.

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